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Daily Meditation Podcast is brought to you by Declutter The Mind. a free guided meditation app where you can find all the guided meditation practices from this podcast, and a lot more.

Mar 31, 2021

Manage and deal with physical pain with this guided meditation that will help you ease your suffering from pain using mindfulness. Pain in life is inevitable, but suffering is optional. This practice will help you manage the thoughts and feelings that often come with pain, only serving to make our suffering worse....

Mar 30, 2021

Fall into a state of deep sleep with this guided meditation that will use a visualization to relax you, unwind you, and clear your mind of distracting thoughts that keep you up at night.

#guidedmeditation #deepsleep #mindfulness

This guided meditation practice is from our app, Declutter The Mind. You can download it for...

Mar 29, 2021

If you're suffering a panic attack right, use this guided meditation to help you wind down and bring yourself back to a stable state. We'll pull our attention out of the anxiety of the attack (which only makes the panic worse) and into physical sensations. We'll also do a quick breathing exercise to help us a relax and...

Mar 26, 2021

Use mindfulness to help you manage stress and anxiety with this 15 minute guided meditation. We'll start with a simple intention, before using mindfulness around the body and breath to help ground ourselves into the present and out of thoughts of stress and anxiety.

#meditation #stress #anxiety

This guided meditation...

Mar 25, 2021

This guided meditation for anxiety and depression uses mindfulness to help us get to a better state of mind. If you're struggling with depression and the anxiety that comes with it, this simple meditation practice can help relax you and relieve some of your suffering.

#guidedmeditation #anxiety #depression

This guided...