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Daily Meditation Podcast is brought to you by Declutter The Mind. a free guided meditation app where you can find all the guided meditation practices from this podcast, and a lot more.

Feb 28, 2022

This easy guided mindfulness meditation practice will help you notice your mood, emotions, and state of mind.

#guidedmeditation #easy #mindfulness

This guided meditation practice is from our app, Declutter The Mind. You can download it for iOS and Android for free.

Declutter The Mind ▶...

Feb 24, 2022

Take 15 minutes of your day to reduce anxiety and stress by clearing the clutter in the mind to calm down.

#guidedmeditation #anxiety #mindfulness

This guided meditation practice is from our app, Declutter The Mind. You can download it for iOS and Android for free.

Declutter The Mind ▶

Feb 23, 2022

Quick 5 minute guided meditation to help reduce anxiety.

#guidedmeditation #anxiety #mindfulness

This guided meditation practice is from our app, Declutter The Mind. You can download it for iOS and Android for free.

Declutter The Mind ▶

iOS app ▶

Feb 22, 2022

If your feelings of anxiety and stress are keeping you from falling asleep at night, take some time in this 20 minute guided meditation practice to let go of anxiety, fear, and worry before sleep.

#guidedmeditation #anxiety #mindfulness

This guided meditation practice is from our app, Declutter The Mind. You can...

Feb 17, 2022

Take 10 minutes out of your day with this simple visualization to help you increase your low self-esteem and remove any lingering self-doubt.

#guidedmeditation #selfesteem #mindfulness

This guided meditation practice is from our app, Declutter The Mind. You can download it for iOS and Android for free.

Declutter The...